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Breakout Session 3 - 16th September at 2:40 - 3:20

Looking after ourselves as educational leaders: Lessons from the All Blacks and Les Misérables

Presenter/s: Ross Notman
Type: Leadership story
Keywords: Self-understanding personal leadership
Room: Tautoru


Conference sub-theme: Leading Well

Leading well is often regarded as giving positive direction and purpose to others.

This presentation draws on research and lived experience to look at ‘Leading Well’ by giving back to ourselves in a form of self-leadership and belief. It explores strategies on where we each stand in relation to our unique educational work context; dealing with emotional aspects of leading; understanding how we personally motivate others; and being true to the values that we live by.

The presentation concludes with parallel reflections on personal leadership issues within the All Blacks last year, and resilience of the human spirit from the musical Les Misérables.

There will be an opportunity for presenter/audience interaction.


Ross Notman

Emeritus Professor Ross Notman was formerly director of the Centre for Educational Leadership and Administration at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He retired as Dean of the University’s College of Education in 2019.

Distinctions in the field of international research in educational leadership include the Dame Jean Herbison Scholarship for research into school principals’ centres in Canada and Australia (2007); Visiting Fellow at the University of Nottingham (2009); Fulbright Scholarship to Alaska (2011); and Visiting Academic at the Universities of Edinburgh, Nottingham and Oxford (2014).

Ross has made major contributions to two key international collaborative projects. He was the New Zealand director for both the International Successful School Principalship Project (2007-2019) and the high-needs school strand of the International School Leadership Development Network project (2011-2019). He was made an NZEALS Fellow in 2016.

He has been honoured with invitations to speak at international conferences and at specific forums around the world, notably at universities in the United Kingdom (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Nottingham, Oxford); Hong Kong; Iceland; Australia (Melbourne); USA (Texas San Antonio, Indiana) and UCEA international summits (Indianapolis, San Diego).