Auckland Region
To promote and support and share quality leadership learning across all educational sectors.
New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society (NZEALS) mission is to promote and support quality leadership learning across all educational sectors.
As in NZEALS regions nationwide the Auckland Region welcomes members from all sectors of education from early childhood to tertiary level. We encourage the involvement of agencies such as the Education Review Office and the Ministry of Education.
The termly networking and professional learning meetings reflect the aim to share research and quality practice across networks. Central to its work is to provide the platform for connectivity between research and practice; researcher and practitioner. We provide a professional environment that is conducive to explore leadership thinking around topics that matter most to educators in New Zealand.
Our professional learning takes a World Café style approach with provocations provided by highly respected researchers and practitioners. We always welcome new members with the provision of a one-year free membership for Beginning Principals.
You will find upcoming dates and venues for Auckland Region meetings for this year on the website calendar.
We invite you to explore this website to find out the many things that NZEALS offers.
We look forward to welcoming you to our next meeting. For further information or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lysandra Stuart
Regional Representative

Anne Malcolm
Secretary / Treasurer
Auckland Region Events
Regional events to be announced soon.