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Breakout Session 4 - 17th September at 10:25 - 11:05

Leading proactive programme and course management strategies – whakawhitiwhiti kōrerō. Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei. Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

Presenter/s: Raewyn Penman, Victoria Kees
Type: Leadership story
Keywords: Bicultural leadership online
Room: Ngā Purapura


This presentation will tell the story of how the bicultural principles of online learning developed by Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood NZ have provided guidance when building and leading teams of initial teacher education kaiako (lecturer) within a regional education centre and an online cohort. With the move to online delivery of course content, consideration must be given to how interpersonal connections between kaiako / kaiako and kaiako/tauira (student) are established and nourished. Effective leadership involves supporting tauira to become successful online learners through communication, discussion, deliberation, and negotiation.

Often tauira participating in online learning are first-time tertiary learners and may not have been involved in study for a long time. In comparison to tauira involved in face-to-face tertiary education, their educational, vocational, and social backgrounds are significantly different, therefore requiring greater academic support (Mannay & Wilcock, 2015; Stevenson, 2013; Stone & Springer, 2019). Many come to study at the end of a workday, passionate to extend their knowledge and open up new career pathways. Undertaking online learning for the first time can introduce challenges such as feelings of isolation, unknown expectations, new ways of communicating, and testing of technical skills (Gay & Betts, 2020; Radovan, 2018; Stevenson, 2013; Stone & Springer, 2019). For these reasons online lecturers and their organisations practice a range of proactive online programme and course management strategies to ensure successful learning experiences and retention of tauira in the programmes. In this presentation we explore the proactive strategies used at the Ōtautahi | Christchurch regional education centre of Te Rito Maioha ECNZ and how these have led to growth, learner success, and improved retention.
Having explored the bicultural principles participants will discuss how these are or could be enacted in their education context. In what ways could the online space support and enhance course content delivery for kaiako and tauira?


Raewyn Penman, Victoria Kees

Raewyn Penman, M.B.A. – Raewyn is the Regional Education Leader at the Ōtautahi centre of Te Rito Maioha ECNZ. With forty years in the education sector Raewyn has experienced a range of leadership roles in early learning centres and kindergartens and the tertiary sector. She also brings knowledge and experience from leadership positions in the disability and sports administration sectors. Raewyn is currently the staff representative on the Te Rito Maioha ECNZ Council and a member of the NZEALS Council.

Victoria Kees, M.Ed. – Victoria is a Course Leader teaching in the Early Childhood Bachelor of Teaching program in Ōtautahi centre of Te Rito Maioha ECNZ. With over twenty years of experience, Victoria has held various leadership roles within the education sector working with kaiako and leaders. Victoria is passionate about empowering others, valuing diversity, and communicating effectively across all levels to ensure everyone’s voice is heard in an inclusive working environment.