LEADING LIGHTS     Issue 1 | 2021

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Link arms with your leadership team!

NZEALS – your nationwide leadership team


If you receive this newsletter, the chances are that you already have a leadership team: local, hard-working and passionate about learning. You’ve come through a lot together in the past year.

NZEALS is your national – and international - leadership team: equally hard-working and passionate. Meeting cross-sector through online forums and local and national events, we share our diverse roles and challenges, enjoying each other’s fellowship and developing key aspects of our leadership. We meet in print through this newsletter – Leading Lights – and through our professional journal – the Journal of Educational Leadership Policy and Practice. Our top read paper in JELPP now has well over 1000 ‘reads’.

Most of our activity is run by volunteers: fellow leaders just like you. But we need the financial support of subscribing members to cover the practical costs of journal publication, website services and financial oversight. Your national leadership team needs you, not just to take part in forums and read publications, but also to ‘give a little’ to keep the whole team going.

If you are not already a member, follow the link and join NZEALS today. Link arms with your leadership team, support the services we freely offer to New Zealand’s educational leaders and enjoy the collegiality of NZEALS membership.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.

With your basket and my basket the people will live.