LEADING LIGHTS     Issue 1 | 2024

Exeley Journal Of Educational Leadership Policy And Pract


Journal of Educational Leadership. Policy and Practice


News from the Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice (JELPP)

Did you know?

NZEALS, New Zealand’s only cross-sector educational leadership society, has been publishing an international peer-reviewed journal since 1986. The current editor is Dr Michele Morrison of the University of Waikato, and we have now completed Volume 37!

JELPP papers are open access: just click here and you will find them. You don't need to go via an institutional subscription. Publication through Sciendo is paid for by NZEALS member subscription - so join today if you want to support this wonderful journal.

True to NZEALS' vision, educational leadership papers in Volume 37 range from Early Childhood Education to Tertiary settings, and include research from New Zealand to Alberta.

Take a little time to browse the JELPP website, to discover research insights into educational leadership practice, and share them with your colleagues. If you are not an NZEALS member this would be a good time to join, as member subscriptions enable our global reach, through JELPP, into the education leadership research community.

To submit a research paper or a leadership story, as a new or established author, please look here. To seek further information or advice, please contact the Editor-in-chief.

Enjoy your Educational Leadership reading!