LEADING LIGHTS     Issue 3 | 2021

NZEALS Conference 2022 Web Banner V2 1100x470

NZEALS 2022: Hold the date!

7th to 9th September 2022

Our biennial conference is back on track: we plan to meet in Hamilton on 7-9 September 2022.

We look forward to meeting the NZEALS whānau once more - we've a lot to catch up on. We extend a warm welcome to all educational leaders in all education sectors, and particularly invite aspirant leaders, middle leaders, team leaders, leaders of learning - the list is endless - to join our kōrero. To help us plan this inclusive invitation, we'd like you and your colleagues to complete the enclosed survey. We'd especially like responses from your aspirant / middle / team leaders, and request that you pass this message along to them, so that they can complete and submit the survey. This will inform our responsiveness to educational leaders throughout the year, as well as our conference preparation.

We'd love to see our international colleagues at our conference again; we've chosen the September 2022 date in the hope that the NZ vaccination roll-out will be complete and our borders will be open for Covid-free travellers. We'll give you the chance to make a provisional registration without charge (hold my place...), to be confirmed and paid when you have news about travel.

At present, we're just at the planning stage. You'll find updated news on our website, and of course we will keep in touch with all our contacts as the conference takes shape. If there is anything you'd like us to bear in mind as we plan, which is not covered by the survey questions, please reply direct to this email. We can't guarantee to please everyone, but we can try!

Save the date, and plan with us to meet in Hamilton, 7-9th September 2022.

NZEALS 2022 conference team