Institutional Membership – Associate Member
$100.00 / year
This entitles the member to full membership of NZEALS as part of an Insitution: to receive Leading Lights newsletters and membership discounts to NZEALS Conference and Branch meetings. It affords eligibility for scholarships, awards and fellowships and links to international leadership organizations such as CCEAM. Several members of an institution may belong to NZEALS with all the benefits of membership. Register the additional associate members as Institutional Members – Associate Member for $100 per Associate Member.
CCEAM Membership may be purchased with this NZEALS membership. This entitles members to receive CCEAM journals and attend CCEAM conferences as a member.
Note – Use this Membership ONLY if you have received a coupon code to use with this membership from your Main Member or if you are purchasing an Associate Membership that you are paying for and using yourself.
If you are a Main Member, you can purchase Associate Membership Prepayments to obtain a coupon code that your Associate Members can use to remove the need for payment when they register.