Leadership Forum – Term 3, 2023 – Session 3-2
August 15 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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- Have purchased a Forum pass
If you are an NZEALS Member, or if you have previously purchased a Pass for forum events this term, please login to access the ticket selector and register at no cost.
If you are not an NZEALS member, or have not previously purchased a Pass for forum events this term, please purchase a pass now for $30 so you can then access the ticket selector.
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Continuing from our NZEALS 2022 conference theme of Tūrangawaewae: a place to stand, our overall theme for NZEALS 2023 leadership forums is
Standing with awareness: knowing and Being your self, as you lead.
Whaowhia te kete mātauranga
Fill the basket of knowledge.
NZEALS leadership forums are a space to Be, to think together, to share each other's experience across the sectors of education, and to grow our awareness of our self as we explore leadership issues and potential.
In Term 3 we continue to consider the term’s theme of cultural responsivity from three perspectives: the leader, the team and the individual.
Topic for this Session
Understanding individual responsibility
Here we reflect on what it means to develop a culture of trust that has people at the heart and transparency at the centre. What might it mean for us as leaders if we have an open mind, an open heart, and an open will?
This session offers an opportunity to share stories from participants’ professional experiences, and to consider what we learn from published accounts and media.
This forum is free to NZEALS members.
Charge for non-members is $30 per term.