John Armstrong

JOHN ARMSTRONG has been Principal of Henley School, Nelson since 2009. During 2017 and 2018 he was Kāhui Ako Co-Leader for the Waimea Community of Learners. In 2018 he took part in the MoE Primary Principals’ Sabbatical Scheme, and used a Nelson Principals’ Association ASB study award to take part in a study tour of Finnish schools run by Learning Scoop http://learningscoop.fi/ out of the University of Tampere, Finland. This tour provided a balance of lectures and background information on the schooling system along with visits to a range of learning institutions.
Leading Lights Articles by John Armstrong
Featured in Issue 2 | 2019
John Armstrong recently talked to Nelson NZEALS about his study visits to a range of countries. Here we share his insights into Finnish education. Members only content.