Dr. Murray Fletcher

Murray Fletcher

Murray is a leadership coach with individuals and teams, with an emphasis on supervision from a strengths-based perspective. He has a particular connection to the narratives shared by leaders as he walks alongside each of them in their own context. Murray has recently   completed his Ph.D. exploring the inner aspects of Being with leaders.

Leading Lights Articles by Dr. Murray Fletcher

The leader within

Featured in Issue 2 | 2024

Ka uia tonutia e koe, Ka roa tonu te ara Ka rore koe e uiui, ka poto te ara The more you ask, the longer the way. The less you ask the shorter your journey.



Featured in Issue 2 | 2024

This issue of Leading Lights comes as we anticipate the Conference in September and look forward to you joining the conversation in Christchurch. In this issue we put the spotlight on one of our speakers and draw attention to a selection of breakout session presenters.


A focus on leading

Featured in Issue 1 | 2024

Leading change or leading shifts in people’s thinking, practice and beliefs is at the centre and heart of a leader’s focus. I add heart because beliefs can be deeply held (onto) and leaders require heart to connect with those in the midst of change as well as having a head to know when to step...



Featured in Issue 1 | 2024

Empowering Educational Leaders
the person in the role


What Matters? What Really Matters In Leading in Education?

Featured in Issue 1 | 2023

We are not looking for another leadership type or even style (a range of styles dependent on situation and context is important); it is starting with the end, the intended outcome, in mind. Not looking for another leadership type or style; starting with the end in mind
Not about magic formulas or...


A New Politics for Transforming Education Towards an Effective Way Forward

Featured in Issue 1 | 2023

In the later part of 2022 and early part 2023 interviews with those who have been at the interface of politics and education for the last 20 years in elected ministerial or advisory capacity, were conducted (in N.Z. our former Minister of Education, Hekia Parata was included).


Wayfinding: Navigating complexity for sustainable school leadership

Featured in Issue 1 | 2023

“You can't use an old map to explore a new world”. Wayfinding as a metaphor positions leading as a mutlifaceted process which is not static and not a blueprint or a person. It is about leading not leader and the practice of leading.



Featured in Issue 1 | 2023

"Humanity has reached a bridge that can only be crossed in unity" (Human Reform Politics) Leadership matters! Leaders as human beings matter!



Featured in Issue 2 | 2022

Whakamaua te pae tata kia tina Take hold of your potential so it becomes your reality.


The Future of Leading (International report)-Valerie Hannon and Tony Mackay

Featured in Issue 1 | 2022

Report summary. The authors here focus us on five key areas in which leadership may need to be changing in the future. These five areas emphasise the creation of a new education narrative, leading with ecosystems; leading with equity; Leading with innovation and leading for futures literacy.