LEADING LIGHTS     Issue 1 | 2024

Middle Leaders Survey

Article by Dr. Michele Morrison (University of Waikato)   

Coming soon: Middle Leaders in New Zealand Schools National Survey

Situated in the ‘engine room’ of educational improvement, middle leaders are vital to the implementation of pedagogy, curriculum and other initiatives designed to enhance student engagement, achievement and wellbeing. These pivotal roles not only provide a staircase to senior leadership; many are specialised career destinations in their own right.

Surprisingly little is known, however, about this diverse group of educators and the ways in which various middle leader roles are framed, enacted, supported and evaluated. Leadership researchers at the University of Waikato are thus keen to hear the views of middle leaders in New Zealand primary and secondary schools via a national survey due for release in April. This will be a valuable opportunity to have your voice heard, to share experiences, priorities and concerns, and to influence future directions.