Maggie Ogram
MAGGIE OGRAM is a Leadership Coach who specialises in professional growth specifically in the Education sector. With over 30 years’ experience in primary education as teacher and principal in mainstream and special schools she provides professional support that engages with educators and school communities. Maggie’s collaborative approach focuses on developing leadership practices and capabilities to build the learning organisation’s professional capital and the wellness of all in the community.
Leading Lights Articles by Maggie Ogram
A Changing Season
Featured in Issue 3 | 2020
It seems likely that sales in Adaptive Leadership texts have increased in the last few months.
Anne Malcolm – FNZEALS
Featured in Issue |
Here we celebrate Anne’s contribution to New Zealand education, to educational leadership knowledge and to NZEALS.
What Matters Most
Featured in Issue 2 | 2020
We don’t have previous experience of living within these unprecedented circumstances.
Being Intentional: Bringing Our Unique Contributions and Making Connections
Featured in Issue 1 | 2020
At the time of ‘putting pen to paper’ the NZEALS Bi-ennnial International Conference on 15-17 April is just eight weeks away.
President’s Pen
Featured in Issue 2 | 2019
It is a highly appropriate time for NZEALS as a nationwide educational leadership organisation to be a channel for leadership dialogue and influence.