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Kia ora

Thank you for being a vital part of NZEALS 2024 through your breakout presentation or workshop. You will find your session in the list of breakout presentations, together with the room you have been allocated. You will also find your session on the conference programme.

All breakout rooms have HDMI cables which connect with laptops. You may use your own HDMI compatible laptop or use a data stick in a conference laptop provided. Please note that Mac and PC laptops have different HDMI connections, and make sure that you bring the correct cable and dongle for your device. You are advised to access breakout rooms at the beginning of the day or during breaks to check out the facilities and organise your session. NZEALS helpers will be available to assist.

Please plan your session with a varied group of NZ and international delegates in mind, from Early Childhood through to Tertiary: please use terminology that is accessible to all. It would be helpful to end your presentation with one or more provocative questions, to get the group discussion started. Allocate 10-15 minutes of your session for discussion, unless you are running a workshop or discussion group where delegates are involved throughout.

Breakout sessions are not ‘chaired’, so please introduce yourself – and ask someone in the room to keep time for you!

Thank you once more for your contribution to NZEALS 2024. We all look forward to welcoming you to Christchurch.

Breakout Sessions

Neurodiversity: Learning Beyond the Label and Inclusive Curriculum design

Being a Leader in Education – The Great Opportunity

“We’re all in this together!”: The role of relational trust when leading mathematics in primary school settings

Community involvement in school governance decision making in Aotearoa New Zealand: What does research say?

Developing middle leaders’ capabilities on the job

Changing the direction of the world through youth leadership among pre-service educators

Leadership Best Practice: The Nomad’s Journey

Leading proactive programme and course management strategies – whakawhitiwhiti kōrerō. Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei. Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

Looking after ourselves as educational leaders: Lessons from the All Blacks and Les Misérables

Leading shifts in school culture, challenges and progress

Our Sponsors

Thank you to these sponsors for helping to make our event happen.

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor