LEADING LIGHTS     Issue 1 | 2019

Table of Contents

Positivity, Creativity, Growth

I trust you all had a wonderful and refreshing Christmas break. The new year has had a very ‘steamy’ start to date and no doubt like me you will be finding creative ways to keep yourself cool.


Tomorrow’s Schools Under Review

Our Schooling Futures, Stronger Together l Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini. This has some significant implications for educational leaders as new governance structures and leadership terms are proposed.
(Members only content)


The Value And Importance Of Being A Reflective Practitioner

Reflective practice, or learning from experience, is of value and importance to all educators, from the neophyte teacher to experienced school leaders. Its purpose is to reconstruct the individual’s beliefs and knowledge about their work.


Leading and Enabling an Effective Intercultural Strategy in New Zealand Schools

New Zealand primary schools need to be critically thinking about how to implement programmes of learning to build intercultural capabilities, skills and dialogue. Multicultural programmes where children are learning about aspects of other cultures do not do enough to promote inter-cultural connectedness, empathy, acceptance and understanding.


Ahurea Tuakiri

This article examines the unhappy consequences of Pākehā monolingualism on Māori student identity. The author explores implications for Māori Student when their identity is subjugated by dominant Pākehā imperatives of culture.