LEADING LIGHTS Issue 2 | 2021
Table of Contents
Leadership matters! People matter! A human approach to leading people matters.
From the President’s Pen
It is with great pleasure that I pen a brief message as National President of NZEALS. I consider myself truly priveledged to serve the educational leadership community of New Zealand in this way.
In global crises, teachers are the center of attention. What about school leaders?
This article provides a brief snapshot of my observations at this unique point of time.
Thank you!
• Leading Lights newsletter • JELPP international leadership journal • Online leadership forums • Local leadership events • Planning for our 2022 conference
Leadership Forums
Participant :“I’m still learning what I need to DO [as a leader] and that’s important and ongoing – this discussion is helping me to think about who I need to BE”
Reflections: Te Kai a te Rangatira
Indigenous concepts of leadership are gaining momentum in wider educational, business and political spaces.
Invitation to participate in doctoral research
Are you interested in participating in a case study that explores school leaders’ personal faith and their professional lives?